
Market News
National Development and Reform Commission recently published the "Interim Measures on Management of distributed generation", a clear association in distributed generation project management, grid access and operation management.
27, China CCCME statement, said the European Commission has undertaken to reach arrangements with the price of Chinese exports to the EU PV trade dispute. EU Trade Commissioner De Gucht also issued a statement the same day, announced the news. Since then, this involves the largest amount of trade disputes between China and the EU to solve the case. Ministry of Commerce spokesman ShenDanyang should exercise a speech, expressed his appreciation and welcome.
Development of photovoltaic industry is important for the adjustment of energy structure, promote energy production and consumption revolution, promote the construction of ecological civilization. In order to regulate and promote the healthy development of the PV industry, now make the following observations:
Core Tip: behind numerous small contradiction is actually determined by a large contradiction, namely that the high cost of photovoltaic power generation, want to spread a large area, can not appear the problem? Final settlement of the plight of the photovoltaic industry is definitely not the government, but the market is also another big government role in promoting secondary market in order to cure. 1 can not be broken and can not live
Hold high the banner of SEMI services technologies and standards have made China's PV industry milestone achievements in the New Century Hotel Yangzhou, held June 28, 2013 SEMI China PV Standards Technical Committee 2013 annual summer conference, officially announced by SEMI China PV Standards three standards organizations to develop technical committee released to the world.
The EU has announced on the production of photovoltaic products from China to impose provisional anti-dumping duty, the EU economic and trade relationship thereby affected. Both sides not only the PV industry will suffer huge losses, other European industries have begun to worry about the joint impact of trade friction caused.
PV industry as one of China's strategic emerging industries, market conditions experienced in recent years can be described as thrilling.
In October last year after the State Grid Corporation announced the introduction of "free access, full acquisition" policy for distributed photovoltaic power, the country's first family photovoltaic plant in Qingdao, Shandong and power generation, currently running in good condition.
Development and Reform Commission issued a document clearly will issue an audit of three cases of corporate bonds classified management, including the scope and supported by the state to issue bonds with good credit will be included in the application to speed up and simplify audits, solar photovoltaic and wind power applications as structural adjustment projects will be listed into key support.
According to the U.S. Photovoltaic Manufacturing Alliance (CASM) revealed that Chinese PV manufacturers are false and concealed their products imports, thereby circumventing the latest import tax. The agency added that the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) has asked the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) on the complaint for verification.